Unleash the value of your IP

We help protect your Intellectual Property Rights, and facilitate the process from having nothing to having a full IP portfolio. So your engineers and management can focus on running the business.

IPR is sometimes perceived as low priority, hard to get started on and constrained by short-term focus and limited resources. The reality is that protecting technology is one of the most cost-effective ways to build company value and reduce risk. Developing IP awareness in your organization does not need to be a significant or expensive operation.

IPR services

  • Wide discovery process

    Hidden ideas often emerge too late for patent filing. Our solution involves regular idea harvesting workshops with tech teams, fostering a proactive discovery process. This not only brings ideas to light but also shifts developers' mindsets about patents.

    We systematically track and prioritize inventions based on patentability and business relevance.

  • Patent portfolio development

    Align your patent portfolio in-line with your business needs and your technological and strategic objectives.

    By working closely with R&D and the management team, we help you make informed decisions on when to file inventions and when to streamline the portfolio in response to evolving circumstances.

  • Freedom to Operate analysis

    An FTO (Freedom to Operate) analysis evaluates the risk of infringing on others' patents or intellectual property rights, minimizing legal battles and operational disruptions.

    It enhances understanding of the competitive landscape, identifies obstacles in product development, and reduces risks for the company, investors, partners, and customers.

  • Patent litigation support

    Global success often invites patent lawsuits, which creates anxiety, diverts resources and causes shareholder concerns. Clearly an unsustainable situation.

    In addition to legal expertise, you will need technologists to interpret third-party patents. We assist you from a technology point of view to resolve the patent lawsuit in the most favorable way in the shortest possible time.

  • Alternative to patents

    IPR is more than patents. Sometimes your unique feature is not patentable. Sometimes you would like to keep your solutions confidential beyond the standard 18-months patent disclosure period.

    We provide independent guidance on the optimal protection strategy based on the situation, drawing on our experience with Open Source, copyright, trade secrets, design protection, and more.

  • IP manager "as a Service"

    To increase speed and reduce cost, we can manage all “in-house” IP work and most of the IP agency workload. We establish a process to raise awareness of the strategic importance of IPR and to map out the IPR landscape.

    We also lead the process of distilling your uniqueness into actual IPR: We draft the concrete patent applications in close collaboration with the inventors, and handle all communication with the Patent Offices and Agencies.